From fears to tears something happened that is rare!
The most vicious thing on the planet is Fear that throws you in a wave of tears.
The feeling you have in the pit of your stomach when you hear something that blows your mind and makes each of your neurons burst and collapse suddenly. The fear runs all over your body like little drops of blood making you palpitate to death. But one thing we should know is when it hurts like someone is stabbing u ri8 in your heart that is the moment when life is trying to take you to the most astonishing phase. So I will suggest during such phases of your life, please keep on living to all those who are hurting deep inside shoving their feelings to the back of their minds and the bottom of their hearts.
Please keep in mind that no matter how far your future and hopes appear to be, they will always be there. Never lose hope; I understand it’s not simple to do so but we are rocks in a sea of chaos, and we cannot be tossed around by every storm. We just cannot do so.
(Dania Amjad) (27/6/2021)